Attention to Human Dignity and Its Role in Increasing Spirituality


  • Sameer Ahmad Ahmady Assistant Professor, Member of Academic Cadre of Islamic Knowledge and Culture Department, Education Faculty, Paktia University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Dr. Mohammad Yunus Ebrahimi Professor, Member of Academic Cadre of Islamic Feqa and Law Department, Sharia Law Faculty, Afghan International Islamic University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Shahidullah Safi Assistant Professor, Member of Academic Cadre of Judgment and Prosecution Department, Law and Political Science Faculty, Paktia University, AFGHANISTAN



Spirituality, inherent dignity, acquired dignity, spiritual man, piety


The main purpose of this paper is to investigate about the dignity of human and its role in increasing the spirituality in light of Islam. The founding shows that spirituality has been considered as a desirable thing throughout humans’ life and lots of effort have been made to strengthen it. There are several factors that raise and cultivate spirituality, but among these factors, human dignity has essential role and basis. In this research, while explaining the concept of spirituality, the importance of human dignity in creating a spiritual personality is emphasized, and how the influence of human dignity in increasing spirituality will also be investigated, and it is proven that the source of spirituality is paying attention to inherent and deprivations, neglect and lack of attention to the position and dignity of the royal soul of man.


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Quran, Chapter 49, (Sura-Hajurant), Verse No. 13

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Quran, Chapter 7, (Sura-Araf), Verse No. 12

Quran, Chapter 17, (Sura-Asra), Verse No. 85

Quran, Chapter 15, ( Sura-Hajar), Verse No. 29

Quran, Chapter 30, (Sura-Rum), Verse No. 30

Quran, Chapter 5, (Sura-Mayeda), Verse No. 105

Quran, Chapter 7, (Sura-Araf), Verse No. 205

Quran, Chapter 59, (Sura-Hasher), Verse No 19

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Quran, Chapter 2, (Sura-Baqara), Verse No. 2,3

Quran, Chapter 49, (Sura-Hajurant), Verse No. 13

Quran, Chapter 45, (Sura-Jaseya), Verse No. 18

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Quran, Chapter 8, (Sura-Anfal), Verse No 24

Javad Ameli, 1366: 22

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Quran, Chapter 2, (Sura-Baqara), Verse No. 30

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Quran, Chapter 33, (Sura-Ahzab), Verse No.72

Quran, Chapter 2, (Sura-Baqara), Verse No. 31

Quran, Chapter 2, (Sura-Baqara), Verse No. 32

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Quran, Chapter 17, (Sura-Asra), Verse No. 70

Quran, Chapter 95, (Sura - Tin), Verse No. 4

Quran, Chapter 38, (Sura – Sat), Verse No. 72

Quran, Chapter 8, (Sura - Anfal), Verse No. 74

Quran, Chapter 4, (Sura – Nesa), Verse No. 31

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How to Cite

Ahmady, S. A., Ebrahimi, M. Y., & Safi, S. (2023). Attention to Human Dignity and Its Role in Increasing Spirituality. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(6), 191–197.