Investigating Movable Property in the Commercial System of Afghanistan


  • Obaidullah Ghaznawi Lecturer, Department of Judgment & Prosecution, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Paktia University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Zahidullah Shenwari Lecturer, Department of Judgment & Prosecution, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Paktia University, AFGHANISTAN.
  • Shahidullah Safi Lecturer, Department of Judgment & Prosecution, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Paktia University, AFGHANISTAN.



property, moveable property, business


Whatever is useful for human and fulfills their needs is called property. Property has a special importance in human life, If the materials and spiritual needs of people are met by means of property, then it is very important for us to know it, and to know moveable property in terms of the commercial system of Afghanistan is very important, because the moveable property is condition for a commercial transaction, and in this article we have first identified the property, then we have examined the mobility of the property, and then we have examined the effects of the moveable property in the commercial system of Afghanistan.


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How to Cite

Ghaznawi, O., Shenwari, Z., & Safi, S. (2023). Investigating Movable Property in the Commercial System of Afghanistan. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(2), 28–30.


