Exploring Gender Dynamics in Morocco Through the Work of Marriage Brokers
gender-specific expectations, matchmaking, precariousness, socioeconomic dynamicsAbstract
This article explores gender-driven dynamics in the Moroccan marriage market in light of the country’s promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment. Because matchmaking has become a more structured business enterprise, it makes investigating mating patterns more informative. This research examines the case of a Moroccan matchmaker whose exchanges on her Facebook page offer pertinent data on the Moroccan mating market. Three questions guided data collection and analysis procedures. First, what profiles seek matchmaking services? Second, what expectations do men and women have? Third, how do these profiles and expectations explain the changes impacting marital relations in Moroccan society? Data analysis has unveiled four significant findings. First, undergoing socioeconomic pressure has pushed many women to take the initiative in the mating market. Second, marriage for many women is a vital means of socioeconomic security. Third, despite Morocco’s restrictive policy on polygamy, many women are willing to engage with polygamous men to boost their chances of finding a spouse. Fourth, supporting a family is still perceived as a man’s obligation, even when a woman is professionally active.
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