Exploring Youths’ Perception of Qiwamah in the Light of Women’s Financial Autonomy: The Case of Morocco
Islamic feminist, Moroccan youths, perception, qiwamah, classical legal traditionAbstract
Qiwamah postulate has received critical attention in both traditionalist and reformist circles. Within the traditionalist circle, qiwamah is perceived as man’s Divine-sanctioned duty to provide for and the right to rule over his female dependents, especially the wife. Within the reformist circle, qiwamah is a context-bound construct; thus, it is subject to socioeconomic dynamics, notably women’s increasing economic activity and leadership of the household. Between the jurisprudential articulation of qiwamah and its application in the changing world of today, it is pertinent to explore how people perceive this postulate in the light of the fast-changing socioeconomic reality. In this context, this article aims to interrogate Moroccan youths’ conceptualization of qiwamah to explore the extent to which it intersects with the gender-driven transformations in the country.
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