Investigating the Implementation of the Rules of Islamic Criminal Law in Afghanistan


  • Kaiwana Amini Assistant Professor, Lecturer of the Private Law and Criminal Law Department, Law and Political Sciences Faculty, Faryab University, AFGHANISTAN.



Afghanistan, diyat, hadith, hudud, implementation, qisas


The rules of Islamic Criminal Law, as the most obvious and complete ruling rules in Afghanistan, play an important role in ensuring real justice, continuity and order of society.

Since criminal behaviour is a violation of Allah’s authority and justice, it requires that it be recognized first, the perpetrators identified, and then the perpetrators be punished. In the rules of Islamic Criminal Law, taking into account the verses of the Quran and the Prophetic tradition, various types of punishments, including monetary penalties, have been considered for all types of crimes. This article examines the rules of Islamic Criminal Law and how it is implemented. In the same way, it is reasonable to punish the offenders and violators of Islamic rules in a society. But the main goal of this article is to apply punishment based on Islamic Criminal Law in Afghanistan to ensure better justice. The findings of the research also show that the rules of Islamic Criminal Law in the country are applied to the perpetrators of various crimes (from hudud, qisas, and dowry to punishment).

To prepare and research this subject, the library research method was used, in the data collection section, the descriptive-analytical research method was used.


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How to Cite

Amini, K. (2024). Investigating the Implementation of the Rules of Islamic Criminal Law in Afghanistan. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 4(5), 71–76.