The Effect of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) On Customer Satisfaction of Digital Services Users at Afghanistan Selected Commercial Banks (Afghanistan International Bank, Azizi Bank and Islamic Bank of Afghanistan)
Afghanistan Banking, Digital Services, Customer Satisfaction, ATMAbstract
This study investigates the impact of Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) on customer satisfaction among users of digital services at commercial banks in Afghanistan, specifically Afghanistan International Bank, Azizi Bank, and Islamic Bank of Afghanistan. The banking sector in Afghanistan requires further development in expanding ATM infrastructure and enhancing customer satisfaction through improved user experience and support services. Utilizing a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis, the research examines primary data collected through questionnaires as well as secondary data sources. The findings reveal a significant positive relationship between ATM usage and customer satisfaction. To enhance ATM availability and customer satisfaction, commercial banks in Afghanistan should strategically install and maintain ATMs, focusing on key locations in Kabul. Investing in ATM facilities can improve various dimensions of customer satisfaction.
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