A Comparative Analysis of Word Order in Simple Sentences: Berber Tarifit and Moroccan Arabic

Berber Tarifit and Moroccan Arabic


  • Mohamed EL Kadi Department of English studies, University Mohamed Premier, Oujda, MOROCCO.
  • Houda Kably Department of English studies, University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, MOROCCO.




Word order, Berber Tarifit, Moroccan Arabic, SVO, Language.


This article examines how words are arranged in Berber Tarifit and Moroccan Arabic. It gives details about the social and language background of both languages. By looking at examples, the study shows that Berber has three main ways to arrange words: subject-verb-object (SVO), verb-subject-object (VSO), and object-verb-subject (OVS). Most of the time, Berber uses SVO and VSO, which are flexible, while OVS is rare and only used in certain cases. Other word orders are either very rare or not allowed. The research also explains how one-single-word sentences in Berber are structured. For Moroccan Arabic, the study finds that this language mainly uses two ways to arrange words: VSO, which is common in many situations, and SVO, which is used only in specific situations. Unlike Berber, Moroccan Arabic only uses these two structures. The article highlights the similarities and differences in how flexible the word order is in both languages.


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How to Cite

EL Kadi, M., & Kably, H. (2025). A Comparative Analysis of Word Order in Simple Sentences: Berber Tarifit and Moroccan Arabic: Berber Tarifit and Moroccan Arabic. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 5(1), 45–50. https://doi.org/10.55544/ijrah.5.1.6