A Study of Impact of Parental Encouragement on Achievement Motivation at Secondary Level Student
Parental Encouragement, Achievement MotivationAbstract
Parents are the chief architects in shaping the personality of the child. Parent's attitudes a pre-dominant role in fostering or hindering the child's development. Although, parental encouragement is essential for the child at all stages. But it becomes increasingly significant at secondary level. Due to more pressures and strains of studies, peer groups, competitions etc. achievement motivation at secondary level is found to be the foremost variable which has a great impact on the personality and future prospects of the child. Taking into consideration the importance of relation of these variables with parental encouragement. The present study is an attempt to appraise the effect of parental encouragement on achievement motivation at secondary level. Ex-post facto research method is best suited for the under taken study. Population of the present study comprises all secondary schools situated in Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar. One UP Board school and one CBSE Board school were taken from list of all school. Researcher has selected a sample of 150 students. Of these 150 students 75 students are from one CBSE Board school and another 75 students are from one UP Board school. The major data gathering tools and techniques such as psychological tests, enquiry forms, observation, Interview, Socio-metric techniques Data gathering devices are termed as tools. Statistical mean, SD, T Test, Independent one sample t-test, Independent two sample t-test, paired samples employed. The study found that secondary school students had average parental encouragement, with both boys and girls equally motivated by their parents. Additionally, both boys and girls had an average achievement motivation level, indicating a diminishing awareness of gender differences among parents. The study explores Parental Encouragement among students in Greater Noida schools, suggesting a longitudinal, longitudinal study for different age groups and a developmental study. The study focuses on Achievement Motivation as a key factor for parental encouragement, specifically among secondary school students in Greater Noida. The scope includes sampling procedures, data collection and analysis techniques, and the development of measuring tools.
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