Exploring Effective Strategies and Activities to Teach English in EFL Classes


  • Asadullah Faizy Lecturer in English Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Education, Ghor Institute of Higher Education, Ghor, AFGHANISTAN.




Language Teaching, EFL classes, Effective strategies, Language skills


This study is going to explore most effective strategies and activities in order to use them in Afghanistan EFL classes to teach English language skills and elements like reading, writing, speaking, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and listening effectively.  This study is an experimental design in which the researcher used from the experiences of his participants who are experienced English language instructors in Afghanistan Higher Education. In this study qualitative approach is used and data were gathered by semi-structured interview from four experienced English language instructors. The results indicated that as English language has several skills and elements like Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary and Grammar; there are unique or specific strategies and activities for each individual skills and elements to use them in order to teach language effectively in EFL classes.


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Author Biography

Asadullah Faizy, Lecturer in English Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Education, Ghor Institute of Higher Education, Ghor, AFGHANISTAN.

Asadullah Faizy is born in Ghor province of Afghanistan on 26 May 1997. Mr. Faizy has completed his bachelor's degree in English Department, Language and Literature Faculty in Alberoni University in 2019, Kapisa, Afghanistan. He has been teaching English at Ghor Institute of Higher Education in Ghor, Afghanistan since 2020. Mr. Faizy is studying his Master degree in TESOL program at Kabul Education University, Kabul, Afghanistan


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How to Cite

Faizy, A. (2024). Exploring Effective Strategies and Activities to Teach English in EFL Classes. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 4(4), 158–164. https://doi.org/10.55544/ijrah.4.4.25


