Extent of the Application Target Cost to Islamic Banks


  • Dr. Moamer Touzer Mouftah Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Bani Waleed University. Bani Waleed, LIBYA




target cost, Islamic Banks, Employers, demand


This study aims to Clarify the perceptions of the the Jordanian Islamic Banks for the target cost and Clarify the way of applying the Jordanian Islamic Banks for their cost management and Clarify the challenges that may face the Jordanian Islamic Banks which may prevent of applying the way of target cost. To achieve these goals data were collected from the Jordanian Islamic Banks through questionnaire design according to study objectives and hypotheses. The questionnaire has been distributed over a sample totaling (20). The study concluded the following:

  1. It has showed through this study that Jordan Islamic banks are seeking to implement a better and-1 more suitable way to manage their costs and assume special interests.
  2. It has showed that Jordan Islamic banks have all the requirements to implement the targeted cost method and there are no difficulties.
  3. Show that a specialist’s staff in the accounting departments have the ability to accommodate and apply the cost method of target cost and they have the appropriate factors to achieve this.

It became clear that the Jordanian Islamic banks seeking to apply the method of cost target query respondents on the questionnaire about the nature of this method have been more concerned and clearly so.


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How to Cite

Mouftah, M. T. (2021). Extent of the Application Target Cost to Islamic Banks. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 1(1), 45–53. https://doi.org/10.55544/ijrah.1.1.8