Inter-Caste Marriage and Caste Prejudice: A Study of Perumal Murugan’s Novel ‘Pyre’


  • Dr. Mamta Paswan Assistant Professor, Department of English, KRG PG College, Mathura, UP, INDIA.



Caste, Inter-Caste Marriage, Intra-Caste Marriage, Marriage


The 21st century is an era of science and advancement. Due to this advancement, there is an evident threat of climate change, global warming, health issues and biological warfare. In this scenario, our lives are changing rapidly. But one thing that has not changed yet is the caste-system. People are still embedded in caste. The notion of purity and practice of endogamy have contributed in the establishment of the caste system. Endogamy is a founding element of the caste system. It is because of this that caste has become an unaltered force of Indian society. The consequences of inter-caste marriage are often horrible. Couples are rarely accepted by the family and society. Excommunication, torture, honor killing and murder are the consequences of inter-caste marriage. Inter- caste marriage is a great contribution in the eradication of the caste system. Inter-caste marriages not only cast the caste but also bring social harmony and feeling of interdependence among people belonging to different caste. But unfortunately, inter-caste marriages are unaccepted and considered offensive. The present novel ‘Pyre’ illustrates the ethos that leads a community to give their judgment against inter-caste marriage.


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How to Cite

Paswan, M. (2024). Inter-Caste Marriage and Caste Prejudice: A Study of Perumal Murugan’s Novel ‘Pyre’. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 4(1), 158–161.