Marketing Problems and Solutions of Thai Local Cosmetic Brand MINSTINE in China Market
Thai cosmetic, MINSTINE, China market, marketing strategyAbstract
The Chinese market is fast becoming one of the fastest growing consumer markets in the world. However, this market is full of both opportunities and challenges. Thailand is home to many affordable and high quality cosmetic brands, including MINSTINE, and in the Chinese market, Thai cosmetic brands face a number of issues, such as fierce competition with other local and international brands and relatively low market awareness. In order to successfully enter the Chinese market, MINSTINE needs to deeply understand and satisfy the needs and tastes of Chinese consumers, develop a product line that suits the Chinese market, and sell their products directly to Chinese consumers through cooperation with domestic e-commerce platforms. In addition, they can conduct a lot of marketing activities on social media, including partnering with Chinese celebrities for endorsement and promotion of their products. In addition, companies should take steps to increase brand awareness, deepen their understanding of the Chinese market, and continually improve the quality of their products and services.
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