Exploring Jobs Design and Grouping Jobs Elements in Managerial Organizing, an Identification and Explanation


  • Nasibullah Khalili Student of Law and Political Science Faculty, Bost University, Peace Watt, Lashkar Gah 3901-Helmand, AFGHANISTAN.




Design Jobs, Grouping Jobs, Organizing


Managerial Summary: Human is a social being. Sociability and living together with other people in society is now a very important aspect of human life. From the long stages of human history, an important part has emerged that man needs organizations in the society to ensure the needs of his life. These organizations are at a higher standard than before, good examples are the government, intelligence agencies, commercial companies and many other executive bodies. According to the need of the present life, human is obliged to have a better organizational process to organize these organizations and implement strategic plans. So that everything is done according to the need and goals are achieved. Therefore, it's clear that humans have a serious need to organize organizations and the organizing process is very important.

Research Summary: Organizing is a broad aspect of management science. In order to achieve the goals of any organization, the organize of employees, appropriate use of experience and skills of employees, close relationship and cooperation of employees, selection of employees and supervision of employees are the main pillars. After examining various scientific results in this research, there is a proper consideration of the above cases. The elements of Jobs Design and Grouping Jobs, have been explored in this article from vision of Management science.


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How to Cite

Khalili, N. (2024). Exploring Jobs Design and Grouping Jobs Elements in Managerial Organizing, an Identification and Explanation. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 4(1), 18–28. https://doi.org/10.55544/ijrah.4.1.3