Building an Installation Artwork: Casting Light to Transform the Shapes of Printed Silk Screen to Be Part of the Space


  • Maha Kazzaz Ph.D Student, Department of Graphics, College of Fine Art, Damascus University, SYRIA.
  • Ehssan Sattouf Professor, Department of Graphics, College of Fine Art, Damascus University, SYRIA.



Installation Art, Silk Screen, Printmaking


Printmaking often includes a two-dimensional frame whether it was printed out on paper or canvas. In the time when most artist strive to create new forms of art whether it was in sculpting, drawing, painting so on and so forth, printmaking is still considered a traditional form of art limited to its frame. In an attempt to make a quantum leap in the concept of artistic works’ dimensions this research aimed to investigate a method which aids extracting the work of art from its limited frame. where lighting helps to free the shapes of the artwork and make them part of the surrounding atmosphere, a part of space. This was achieved by three artworks which were printed on plates of hardened glass; thus, each artwork is a set of layers that when merged together would create the final form of the artwork. Also, a paper copy of each artwork was made. Light was added to these artworks allowing the receivers to walk through the artwork instead of rotating around it, thus, participating into the artwork itself.


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Castleman, Riva (1988): Prints of the twentieth century. New York, Thames and Hudson.

Castleman, Riva. (1985). American impressions: prints since Pollock. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Popper, Frank. (1968). Origins and Development of Kinetic Art. United States of America: English translation Studio Vista. P.168.



How to Cite

Maha Kazzaz, & Ehssan Sattouf. (2022). Building an Installation Artwork: Casting Light to Transform the Shapes of Printed Silk Screen to Be Part of the Space. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 2(3), 73–77.


