A Study of Unjha Market Yard (APMC): Financial Performance


  • Dr. Jai Prakash Mishra Dean and Professor, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Gokul Global University, Sidhpur, INDIA.
  • Ghanchi Salmaben Asgarali Research Scholar Department of Commerce, Gokul Global University, Sidhpur, INDIA.
  • Dr. Preeti Mishra Associate Professor Department of Commerce, Gokul Global University, Sidhpur, INDIA.




Ratio analysis, income and expenditure of Unjah APMCs, APMC (Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee), Agricultural Marketing


The growth of farmers is greatly aided by APMCs. The actions of the farmers in terms of selling and purchasing might be significantly impacted by APMC. The major activity to enhance the trade cycle is carried out by APMC Unjha, one of the most active APMCs in Gujarat and India. It is located in Gujarat state's Mehsana district. It belongs to a charity. In this study, we examine Unjah APMC's balance sheet and profit and loss statement. Different ratios can be utilised for financial performance analysis and generated on the basis of translating APMC terminology into corporate terms. The financial performance of APMC Unjha is gauged using a variety of factors, including the net profit ratio, current ratio, debt equity ratio, different income and expenditure ratios, and fixed asset turnover ratios. This study's primary goal is to determine the financial status using a ratio analysis.


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How to Cite

Mishra, J. P., Asgarali, G. S., & Mishra, P. (2023). A Study of Unjha Market Yard (APMC): Financial Performance. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(4), 175–179. https://doi.org/10.55544/ijrah.3.4.23


