Perfectionism vis-à-vis Dance Motivation of Students in Learning the Art form in Selected Local Colleges in Pampanga, Philippines


  • Joseph Lobo Program Coordinator, Institute of Education, Arts and Sciences, City College of Angeles, Pampanga, PHILIPPINES.
  • Genesis Dimalanta Assistant Dean, Institute of Arts, Sciences and Teacher Education, Mabalacat City College, Pampanga, PHILIPPINES.
  • Clarenz Bautista Instructor I, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports, Pampanga State Agricultural University, Magalang, Pampanga, PHILIPPINES.



Dance, Dance Education, Motivation, Perfectionism


A descriptive-correlational study which aims to determine the relationship between perfectionism and dance motivation of students learning the art form from selected local colleges in Pampanga, Philippines. DMQ and BTPS were used to gather data from (378) Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd) and Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPeA) students. Pearson r analysis result found out that perfectionism has a positive significant relationship to dance motivation of students. Based on the result, this study concludes that perfectionism has a positive outcome to students’ dance motivation in learning the said art form. This study provides new and valuable insight into perfectionism and dance motivation, most specifically in dance research. Limitations of this study is acknowledged and directions for future research is recommended.


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Author Biographies

Joseph Lobo, Program Coordinator, Institute of Education, Arts and Sciences, City College of Angeles, Pampanga, PHILIPPINES.

Program Coordinator, Bachelor of Physical Education and Bachelor of Performing Arts Program
City College of Angeles, Angeles City, Pampanga, 2009

Currently taking Doctor of Education major in Physical Education at Filamer Christian University. Finished his Master's Degree in Physical Education and Sports and Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health at Holy Angel University.

Genesis Dimalanta, Assistant Dean, Institute of Arts, Sciences and Teacher Education, Mabalacat City College, Pampanga, PHILIPPINES.

Assistant Dean, Institute of Arts, Science and Education

Clarenz Bautista, Instructor I, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports, Pampanga State Agricultural University, Magalang, Pampanga, PHILIPPINES.

Instructor I, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports


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How to Cite

Joseph Lobo, Genesis Dimalanta, & Clarenz Bautista. (2022). Perfectionism vis-à-vis Dance Motivation of Students in Learning the Art form in Selected Local Colleges in Pampanga, Philippines. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 2(3), 30–37.


