The Impact of the Digital Economy on International Trade, the Case of Egypt for the Period (1990-2020)


  • Ali Sattam Sultan Al-Badrany Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, IRAQ.
  • Rabah Jamil Saad Al-Din Al-Khatib Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, IRAQ.



digital economy, international trade


Recent economic changes in technology and information have led to reliance on newer technologies to keep pace with the rapid development occurring worldwide in all the different economic sectors called the digital economy. Therefore, the digital economy is considered one of the main pillars on which it depends greatly in the present and future times because it contributes to the development of the country's domestic product and thus improving its international trade at the level of international competition because it is a knowledge economy that relies mainly on technology and its advanced means. Therefore, international trade trends changed in light of the digital economy, so modern theories were formulated and developed in line with the transformations that occurred in modern international trade. The digital economy merged with international trade, leading to a clear discrepancy between all countries, each according to its circumstances. It led the developed countries to move towards new patterns in production, international competition and the division of international labor, which created new advantages in international trade in light of the digital economy. The research aims to identify the impact of the digital economy on international trade, the case of Egypt over the past three decades, and the variation of its impact in light of the new economic trends and their requirements, as well as the legal analysis.


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How to Cite

Al-Badrany, A. S. S., & Al-Din Al-Khatib, R. J. S. (2023). The Impact of the Digital Economy on International Trade, the Case of Egypt for the Period (1990-2020). Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(2), 163–173.


